Here we go...
Endless checklists, countless panicked Amazon purchases and several light headed vaccination appointments later and we're finally ready to go. Tomorrow we begin a new adventure 4,944 miles from home, in Mexico.
Don't get us wrong. We're not running away from England with our arms in the air screaming to get out. We've spent the last 2 and half years living and working in London, and loved every minute of it, but that many Oyster card transactions is enough to make anyone yearn for a cold glass of Horchata on a street painted custard yellow.
But our trip is more than a little siesta in the sun. So far, we've booked a one way flight to Cancún in Mexico, and 4 nights accommodation. From there, the rest will be decided as we go. We have budgeted to spend around 3 months travelling and exploring Mexico and South America - but that could be subject to change once we know the ratio of tamales consumed to the number of nights sleep. You get the idea.
If you want to see what we get up to, then stick around. But I'm warning you now, there's going to be a LOT of food.